Friday Cat Blogging

Hello, thumb-monkey, why are you not under my butt?

This is an important question.

If a thumb-monkey isn’t being sat upon does it really exist?


Mind officially blown.


Yeah, not a big surprise there, brain cat.


Wait, the thumb-monkey was gone? No wonder I’z cold.


Notes from Castle Flabbergasted

So, my first novel for younger readers, School For Sidekicks, will be out on August 4th, and it now has two shiny starred reviews.

One from Kirkus.

And another from Publisher’s Weekly.

I’m delighted and blown away and generally euphoric.

See also: Notes from Castle Flabbergasted.

metal porthole; Shutterstock ID 82146736

In related news, a short story in this world will be out via July 22nd.


Friday Cat Blogging

What the hell was that noise?


I howl for shame in the cone!*


Dude, chill, it’s not like dogs have any dignity to start with.


Cats. Cats have dignity. We are deep and arty.


And mighty tasty too!


You are ruining the dream, man. Totally ruining the dream.


*Not actually a howl, a yawn.

Lola isn’t happy about the cone, but she’ll be fine in a few days.

Friday Cat Blogging

A special behind the scenes look at the art of Friday Cat Blogging.

Shown here, our professional photographer and our cat fluffer.*


Hey, I never got a fluffer!


I don’t want a fluffer.


I want those treats, but they’re too far away


I want faarrr. That’s fire in Southern.


*With apologies to my brother-in-law Sean Murphy, and Bill Henry

Friday Cat Blogging

The hands are coming to get meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


It’s so sad when a cat cracks like that…


Makes me want to cry.


Really, DIGNITY is everything for a cat.


I thought naps were everything for a cat.


Friday Cat Blogging

I not blurry, I stun camera lens with cutitude.


I iz not blurry either. I iz abstract art.


I iz even abstracter art!


Oh yeah? Well I iz abstracterer art! An not blurry at all!


Abstracterer iz not a word!


I iz a performance piece on existential angst of Rocky and Bullwinkle.


Darkened Blade Launch Day

Darkened Blade is out today! One bizarre and possibly self-protective quirk of my psychology means that every time I have a book out it comes as a huge surprise to me on launch day.

*panics* *runs around like poultry sans cranium* *deep breaths*

So, yes, Darkened Blade is the 6th and final book of the Fallen Blade series and it’s out today and it would be awesome if you all went out and bought it. Maybe even two—it makes a great present, slender affordable, shiny cover, good a paperweight, absorbs spills, etc.

And now I’m off to hide under a rock until my reading tonight at the Har Mar Barnes & Noble in Minnesota

If you’re wondering where else I might be doing things that involve the book or appearances in general. Here’s my current list of upcoming appearances.

More info on Darkened Blade on it’s own page here at my website which includes an excerpt. Or the the Fallen Blade series as a whole…

Oh, and here’s a recent interview I did at Scrivener’s Soapbox podcast if the Darkened Blade launch day scramble isn’t more than enough me for you.

Friday Cat Blogging

I haz a sunbeam and you don’t!


I haz a sunbeam too, even if it is kind of sad and wan.


I haz no sunbeam, and I am sad.


I haz no sunbeam, and I going all Godzilla about it. Rarr!

IMG_8141 - Version 2

I hate you all, each and every one.


Upcoming Appearances Through July

One week warning: I will be reading from Darkened Blade at 7pm on April 28 at Barnes & Noble in Roseville MN

I will be at the Lafayette IN Barnes and Noble on May 2nd from 1:00pm-3:00pm.

I will be at Uncle Hugo’s in Minneapolis on Saturday May 9th at 1:00 PM.

On May 28 I will be giving a keynote speech followed by a signing at the Computer & Writing Conference at the University of Wisconsin Stout at 11:45 am.

I will be at the 4th Street Fantasy Con June 26-28 in Minneapolis MN.

Finally, I will be at CONvergence in Bloomington MN July 2-5.