Monday Meows

Hello fellow cats, I would like you to meet my fiance, Concretia!

You what now?

Do you think I should tell him?

Naw, it won’t help.

Monday Meows

Rocket launching Jeeves in 3.2.1.chomp…

This should be interesting.

I doubt it.


When shall we three meet again? Or…wait, this is Macbeth, right?


Monday Meows

I meant to do that.

Of course you did.

Yeah, every cat dreams of getting covered with water.

They do? Huh. Guess I need to revise me thinkages.

Monday Meows

Dis mah tunnel, do note trezpaz.

Jus chillin.

I see nothings, I hear nothings.

Y’all are weird. You know that right?

Monday Meows

Power tools and alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?

I’ll be in my bunker.

Do I need to be awake? And, maybe, running away?

Naw, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine.

Monday Meows

It was like this when I got here.

Will testify to this. It absolutely was circumstance, not enemy action.

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Monday Meows

He’s still behind me, isn’t he?

You sound like you’re feeling guilty, what’s that about?

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

It’s the telltale paw print in the pie, isn’t it?

And…crickets. J’ascuse!

I like pie… Wait, did I miss something?

Monday Meows

Guest cat asks: do you ever get a sinking feeling?

I saw what you did there and I do not like it.


Punnes are the lowest…is that my tail.

I do! I do get a sinking feeling!

Monday Meows

Cat, some assembly required.


Not around here it isn’t.

I can assembly Avengers too!

Monday Meows

All the swirling and spinning, and…oof

I likes da spinnies!

There is something not right about that boy.

I never know what’s going on around here.