Monday Meows

Dis mah tunnel, do note trezpaz.

Jus chillin.

I see nothings, I hear nothings.

Y’all are weird. You know that right?

Monday Meows

Power tools and alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?

I’ll be in my bunker.

Do I need to be awake? And, maybe, running away?

Naw, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine.

Monday Meows

It was like this when I got here.

Will testify to this. It absolutely was circumstance, not enemy action.

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Monday Meows

He’s still behind me, isn’t he?

You sound like you’re feeling guilty, what’s that about?

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

It’s the telltale paw print in the pie, isn’t it?

And…crickets. J’ascuse!

I like pie… Wait, did I miss something?

Monday Meows

Guest cat asks: do you ever get a sinking feeling?

I saw what you did there and I do not like it.


Punnes are the lowest…is that my tail.

I do! I do get a sinking feeling!

Monday Meows

Cat, some assembly required.


Not around here it isn’t.

I can assembly Avengers too!

Monday Meows

All the swirling and spinning, and…oof

I likes da spinnies!

There is something not right about that boy.

I never know what’s going on around here.

Monday Meows

You can lock me in here for a thousand years copper, I’ll never talk!

Unless you offer him chin skritches, then…

I can neither confirm nor deny the conditions of my release.

See also: blep.

You McCullough cats are…weird.

Who you calling weird, Miss Muffet?!

I think they were referring to y’all, my lovely fuzzfaces.

Monday Meows

Towel Monkey From Above!

…the hell?

Cap’n Rudolph reporting for duty

Can’t unsee that…creeeeeeepy.

Don’t hide in your shell. That’s my job! Turtle Power!

It was just some bad ‘nip. None of this is real. …very bad ‘nip.

Naw, this stuff is off the hook! I’m defying gravity!

Monday Meows

Buck, buck, bacaw!

Was that a chicken?

That’s “tiny dinosaur” to you, sir!

That’s itty bitty fricassee, actually.

High four!

We’ll just see about that!

Le pounce.

I too like chicken!