Monday Meows

I’m watching you.

And him.

And them.

You’d better not be watching me.

Don’t look over your shoulder, but that’s what the gargoyle is for.

Monday Meows

Rug riders unite!

I prefer Sofa Surfin’ USA

Rug and roll all the way, baby!

Carpet is better—kitty tower power, my dudes!

Amateurs. The real pros do monkey luge.

Monday Meows

Does anyone else want to taste mah knees?


It’s a TRAP!


Monday Meows

Please ignore charging cord, am totally not animatronicat!

Very interesting…but stupid.


And I am not origamikitty…promise…can someone unbraid my feet?

Monday Meows

Wherever we go…

Whatever we do…

Whoever we smack…

She’s going to hit me now, isn’t she?

I can’t watch

Monday Meows

Random birb!

That is one huge-ass turkey.

You’re a huge-ass turkey! No, she was talking about you!

Should I tell them?

Let them fight…

Monday Meows

I iz king of the bedz!

I iz jealous, also, confuzzled about gravitations.

You king away. We sleeps. Yes?

Definite yes.


Monday Meows

Watch me do my impression of a jackknife!


This is my impressed face. Do I look impressed?

I suppose all the ends are pointy and she does look foldy, but…

Monday Meows

Look at me being all meta and shit on this cat photo blogging thing!

Or I could not.

Yeah, I’m just going to blend into the background and wait for it to pass.

I’m going to be an ironic commentary on what the author SHOULD be doing.

Monday Meows

Dude, you’re hogging all the sunshine!

Yeah, feeling super guilty about that…NOT!

Oh noes, your witty repartee hath devastated me.

Was that sarcasm? Because it sounded a little snarky.

No, I’m sure he was TOTALLY serious. I can’t believe these are my bothers…