Reblog: I Blame John Scalzi

Updated: This was inspired by Scalzi’s pranking of Wil Wheaton (link below) and perpetrated by my friend James (link in comments) with the support of a rather large cast of unindicted co-conspirators. It is also made of awesome.

Ravirn…on velvet…eviiiiiiiil:


I see the painting:


Me and my velvet Ravirn:


Recreating the Wil Wheaton pose:

And Scalzi’s original eviiiiiiiiil.

(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog Dec 19 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)

Reblog: A Question Answered

Lately I’ve been posting a lot on Facebook and Twitter about vivid and bizarre dreams. Someone asked me where I get these things, and I thought that since the answer is writing related I’d toss it up here as well:

Unusual density of cross-linking in my neural networks. Or at least that’s the operating theory as it’s strongly in sync with family medical history. It’s part of why I write. When I’m writing a lot, I don’t remember my dreams much at all and when I do they’re almost always about the story I’m working on and useful to moving the story forward. When I’m writing less, my dreams tend to be wildly uncontrolled and extremely vivid. Since I’m currently in wait and see mode for which project is next up, I’m not really writing and the side effects are starting to get me.
(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog Dec 31 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)

Friday Cat Blogging

Hey, Laura is wearing my vest…


That looks soooo wrong…


Speaking of wrong? WTF, thumb-monkeys? Black and white is my gig.


I am apathetic about your complaint, and, well…everything.


I am in the sun on a lap, complaints will not be entertained.


Are you sure, because I really like to complain.


I like to loaf.


Dude, you ARE a loaf.


You’ve got a point. But more to the point, is he still behind me?


Nope, he is now a power lounger for power lounging parays!


With special guest appearances by my lovely wife, Laura, and the cats of House M and M*

*Matt and Mandy

Oh, yeah and Mike’s penguin, too.

Retro Friday Cat Blogging

No. I won’t look at you. Stop asking.

Does this mirror make me look fat?


How would you feel about bringing me breakfast in bed?


Whazat? Zzzzzz.


I wuvs you, knee. Do you wuvs me?


(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog Nov 27 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)

Retro Friday Cat Blogging

I do so hate these formal portrait sessions.


Have I mentioned recently that I despise you?


If you’ll just hold still I think I can make this jump…


Lady trying to take a bath here.


I smell tuna. Is it you?


(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog Nov 21 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)

Reblog: Proposals and Series Vs. Standalone

Part 1: The Blueprint

One of the bigger changes in my mental model of writing over the last five years is that I no longer loathe and fear synopses and proposals. In fact, I have actually come to enjoy writing them. In part this is a function of practice. I’ve done a lot of these at this point, something on the order of 30, and as with all writing tasks, it gets easier with repetition. But even more, I think it is because I’ve spent the last five years working in the WebMage world with all its interesting bugs and limitations.Now, don’t get me wrong, I love WebMage and it’s been enormous fun to write. At the same time, it’s not a story that was originally intended to become a series. In fact, it wasn’t even originally intended to become a novel. The process went like this:

It started out as a short story. Then it grew a second (never published) short story. Then those two merged into the first half of the book. Then I wrote a third short that eventually became the opening of book II which grew from there. Then I had to come up with one more rough plot, CodeSpell, and a sketchy idea, MythOS. Then I wrote a series closer that had to incorporate all the earlier stuff and tie it up into a neat package.

This was a lot of fun but it also involved a lot of work in terms of making it all fit together and look like a cohesive whole. Picture a one room cabin that slowly accretes additions until it becomes a small mansion. It can be done in a way that produces something with architectural integrity and style, but it’s a hell of a lot more work to do it that way than it would have been to start out by designing a mansion from the blueprints up.

The same is true of series book proposals. In the past five years I’ve written series proposals for four separate series, two with a complete book attached, two with chapters. In all four cases, I knew from the first moment that I was writing a multi-book saga and was able to put all the story equivalents of pouring the slab, electrical runs, plumbing, and facade into the blueprint ahead of time instead of ripping out and replacing the original inadequate hookups or simply making do.

The end result of that advance planning should be a much more cohesive and seamless whole. In the case of one of the series (a trilogy actually), where I went ahead and wrote book II on spec as well, I was able to see how much simpler it was to get book II written and running with all the foundations waiting for it. It wasn’t a perfect fit and there were things in book II that made me go back and make minor adjustments to book I, but overall it was a much simpler and stronger process. The proposal is the blueprint, and if you get that right it means a lot less work and kludging down the road.

Part 2: Structure without planning—WebMageSo, as mentioned abve, WebMage accreted into a series rather than being planned as one. But what does that mean? How is planning for a series different?

Let’s start with the short-story version of WebMage’s plot and the things I didn’t think about beforehand. The short story WebMage was all about Ravirn’s successful escape after a hacking run. Because it was essentially a chase story, it really didn’t matter why Ravirn had hacked Atropos beyond for the hell of it (strongly implied in the short). Fine motivation for a short story, but ultimately unsatisfying for a novel. Because it was a short the long term effects of the cost of that escape didn’t matter when I was writing the short. So, at the end we have Ravirn with the enmity of one of the Fates, a knee that’s thoroughly hashed, short a fingertip, and in no real shape to do anything but lie in bed and recover. Fine in a short, more problematic in chapter three of a novel with a whole book left for him to limp through.

Then there’s world. In the short all I had to do for the magic system was put together the rough framework and then decorate it with the bits that I needed to make the plot work. A novel needs a lot more than that, and if I’d been planning for more story, there are things I would have made simpler or stronger. Names are another issue. At short story length I just grabbed cool stuff and didn’t worry too much about making a coherent culture of it. Likewise culturally, the colors my characters wore and the pseudo-Elizabethan court structure, both done because they were cool and at short length coherence wasn’t really an issue.

Finally, character: Ravirn and the Fates were basically perfectly workable characters for the longer run of a novel, so no real problems at the first order build-out level. Cerice and Melchior however both needed a lot more room to grow. A good part of the familiar underground subplot was by way of making the expanded Melchior make sense. As for Cerice, I don’t think I really got her to work fully the way I wanted until book V.

So, a good deal of the structure of WebMage the novel went into mitigating and justifying the cost of the events of the short and into making that set of scenes make sense in a larger context. A fair amount of work also went into ret-conning the magic system to make it work for the novel. Culture had to be justified and characters twisted and expanded. I’m quite happy with the result but it was an enormous amount of work to get it there and I suspect that if I’d been planning ahead I could have achieved better results with less wordage, which in turn would have given me room to make things richer elsewhere.

There were similar problems moving from the stand-alone WebMage novel into an open ended series a piece at a time as I did, most notably with Cerice (who worked very well as a love interest in the original happily ever after ending of WebMage but not so much over multiple books), Tisiphone (who I straightjacketed in book I much more than I would have had I known how big a part she was going to play going forward), the magic system (see the handing off of the mweb system from Fate to Necessity), and plot (having your main character go up against Fate in book I doesn’t leave you a lot of room to step back down into a more human scale of story or, on the other end, much space for a bigger badder baddie). Again, I’m happy with the results, and in particular with some of the choices forced on me by the original structure of Tisiphone, but I think it could have been done better with only a little more forethought.

I don’t regret a single choice I made with WebMage but man, looking forward, a lot of them are choices I’m glad I won’t have to make with the next set of books.

(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog in two parts Nov 17 and Dec 3 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)

Retro Friday Cat Blogging

What do you mean I’m on a special food diet?

Dude, that was some seriously mellow nip




I hearts video games


Now, which way is up again?


(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog Oct 2 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)

Fast writing and ball dropping

I’m working on a new book proposal, about which more later. My current self-imposed deadline is tomorrow so I can give it to the Wyrdsmiths before I send it off to my agent. The process has me really thinking about writing again for the first time in a while. I’m writing fast at the moment, which means that I’m dropping some of the balls I’m juggling. This is not a big deal, as I will pick them up again on the polish pass—as I usually do—but it’s very interesting to see which balls are getting lost at this stage. They fall into three main categories:

1) Sentence level stuff. In particular, articles. The faster I write the less I write “the.” I think that’s my brain not typing bits that can easily be inserted later. updated to add: Also conjunctions. Apparently this post was written fast as I missed at least one above—or, at least that’s what Laura tells me.

2) Smells and other sensory details. As my focus narrows I lose senses, starting with smell. This is a mirror of the real world. I don’t have a great sense of smell to start with and on top of that I have the ability/liability to focus on what I’m doing so intensely that a lot of things get sort of grayed out as I’m working intensely on something. It’s nice that when I do that I can block out the cat barfing in the hall. It’s less so that I block out being hungry, having to go to the bathroom, or, at really intense levels, things like my tendons screaming that I need to take a break right now or I’ll pay for it later.

3) Character descriptions, and this is the one that really tells me I’m writing up at the edge of what I can do in terms of speed and still remain coherent. I’m a plot and world focused writer and that means that all my character skills are a deliberate effort of craft layered on top of the bedrock stuff. It’s a deeply laid skill set at this point, deep enough that I no longer need to think about it at the conscious level much, and I haven’t dropped it in years. But yesterday I decided to swap the gender of one of the minor characters and, as I was making the necessary changes, I realized I hadn’t described them at all because that wasn’t an important aspect of the plot function they were originally serving. However, the change will bring them deeper into the story and, at that level, what they look like becomes important enough that not knowing what they looked like rang bells for me.

Which brings me back to my polish pass comment. At this point in my writing life what I turn in to my editor is very close to what I think of as my first actual draft—the stuff I hand to Wyrdsmiths—after I’ve read through the rough again and fixed sentences, put in (some*) sensory detail, and done things like describing minor characters. I sometimes forget that there even is a step between putting it on the page and handing it in, because polish typically happens in an hour or two the day before we meet, and I don’t have to pay a lot of forebrain attention to it. Despite that it’s a critical step and one that probably doesn’t get talked about enough by experienced writers.

*There are always more details added after Wyrdsmiths, especially smells, plus larger fixes.

(Originally published on the Wyrdsmiths blog Nov 11 2009, and original comments may be found there. Reposted and reedited as part of the reblogging project)