Monday Meows

A way out here they have a name for rain and wind and fire…

Is it…Bob?

There is something wrong with the boy.

I got this.

Monday Meows

Birb, birb, birb…

Excuse me?


Oh, well that explains it then.

It absolutely does not!


Cut that the hell out!

Monday Meows

Look what I just coughed up.

*horking noises*

That looks AWFUL.

This is why you should not lick the other cats.

I dunno, I’ve got this tangle on my tail…

Monday Meows

No shit, there I was…

What are you is?

Day drinkers, I think.

I suppose it takes all kinds, but personally I prefer cord noming.

Ooh, sign me up!

Please tell me that wasn’t a kitten.

Monday Meows

Wherever we go…

Whatever we do…

We’re gonna go through it…


Wait, what the hell was that?

Just let it go and keep doing the number: TOGETHER!


Monday Meows

Wait, is that the sacred volcano of Lake Menomin?

The what now?

*flames waving* Hallloooo? Anybody home?

That is not okay.

I dunno. It’s more or less a ginger. Ergo: Solidarity!

Monday Meows

What the hell is that?

Winter comes to Avalon.

It’s no basis for a system of government.

You take that back!

Rule by Tortie. It’s the only way.


Monday Meows

I am having the hardest time communicating with these guys…

Do you wanna tell him?

Too easy.

Pick me! I’ll do it.

Monday Meows





What? You’ve never seen a guy vitamin C loading before?

Monday Meows

We were told there would be snacks.

How about pettin’s?

I can work with that.

Pettin’s are the best!

It’ll do.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, now that’s the stuff.