Monday Meows

What do you suppose is in here?

Do you think he sees the knives?


What could go wrong?

Watch out for that…oooh, ouch.

Don’t worry, I lived.

He did, though how is a mystery.

Monday Meows

Have you ever really looked at your tail…and tried to murder it?

I’m more in tune with my body. Been practicing a lot of yogurt.

Blep, I say. Blep, and blep, and blep again, to the last syllable of recorded time!

I never understand what’s going on around here.

Monday Meows




I WAS asleep, you know.

Glad I was in the bunker.

We have a bunker? Why does nobody tell me these things?

Monday Meows

Just chillin’ with my bestie.

Me too, and, well two…

I also have friends. Meet Shirt and Hat.

You are all sooooooo weird.

Monday Meows

I’m beat.

That doesn’t look very comfortable.

Look who’s talking.

Honestly, none of you are very good at this. Where’s your sun?

Monday Meows


Wait, what?!

I didn’t hear that, did I?

I will kill them and devour their bones.

The hell?

Oh good, they were only visiting.

Monday Meows

No time for questions, get in if you want to live!

This again?

Where does she get that from?

It’s clearly NOT from my side of the family.

Wherever she gets it from, if it moves a little to the left I’ve got this!

I get it with a little help from my friends…

You are the weirdest damn bunch of cats.

Guest cat provided by Kim and Jonny.

Monday Meows

I’m starting a new gaming stream and doing it IN STYLE.

The hell is a “gaming stream”?

Can you catch fisses there?

We doubts it.

I haz no fisses and I cannot eat…

Monday Meows

What in the everloving litterbox IS that?

What are you children up to in there?

Quick, act casual!

Do you think it’ll work?

It would take a miracle.

I don’t know what you guys are talking about, I’ve been here all day.

Monday Meows

Shelve me under Z for nap.

That is NOT how nap is spelled, Madam!

She said nap, so I guess I napzzzzzzz.

Hey guys, I think we may have a major timeline leak here. Guys?