My brief career as an internet troll

As a middle aged straight white guy, I don’t get trolled on social media very often. But I see it happen to friends all the time. That’s why, when I saw a particular tweet go by from Mary Robinette Kowal, I saw an opportunity to play a twitter game with a friend, and well, you’ll see it below. I think what we ended up with is something that’s more useful than a game.

Mary’s post on the exchange is here. As something of a palate cleanser here’s a picture of Mary and I as best man and matron of honor at the vow renewal for our friends Michael and Lynne Thomas. I don’t know about any of the rest of you, but even briefly playing the troll makes me feel more than a little filthy.


Photo credit Sean Michael Murphy

Friday Cat Blogging Trumpelstiltskin Edition

It’s on my head isn’t it? Augggh! Please don’t make me run for president!


When I am president I will have you all killed for this.


If elected I promise to remain the same intellectually challenged

fuzzrain I’ve always been.


Still better than Trump’s.


Gonna wash that gray right out of my Trump…*


There will be a reckoning, Oh yes, there will be a reckoning.


Today’s guest victims cats courtesy of Kim and Jonny

Friday Cat Blogging

Dis hand mine!


Simpler to have your own hands.


I can’t believe we have to share space with a monkey.


How about a woggie? Woggies are good, right.


I caaaaan’t hear you.


You think you can’t hear things…stupid monkey.


Wait, is it Friday Cat Blogging already? I almost slept through it.


Friday Cat Blogging

I iz cat. Meow?

IMG_9916 - Version 2

Wait, what was that now?


I don’t even want to know…


Why not, being cat is awesome. Meow!


Wait, WTF?


Hang on, I will kill it with my mind powers.



I haz a mind! I can help! Watch me…is that my tail? Tails are awesome!


Friday Cat Blogging

You bastards went to the Caribbean without me again?


I hate it when they do that!

IMG_9547I will make you pay thumb-monkeys. I will.


I’m in. What are we doing? Barf in the bed? Itching powder?


I have this one pinned, now what?


I’m trying to tear this one’s arm off, but man they’re big suckers.*


*Guest cat courtesy of Levi/Lindow house.

Belated Friday Cat Blogging

About damn time you woke up thumb-monkey—I want breakfast!


Dude had a book out, chill. You know he’s not much of a morning monkey.


Book launch does not mean thumb-monkey gets a pass on his duties.


I think he should bring us breakfast in bed as penance.


Man, cats are sooo demanding. Look what he accomplished this week.


I am not a cat, I am a book rocket. Fly me!

School For Sidekicks: Launch Day

My newest book, SCHOOL FOR SIDEKICKS, launches today. Both figuratively and literally…

ETA: The extended rocket launch below the other videos:

More silly launch videos are on the way as soon as we can get them edited, so watch this space. In the meantime, here are a couple of notable reviews for the novel: Kirkus. Publisher’s Weekly, and an excerpt.

If you order before the weekend, you can get a signed and customized copy from Uncle Hugo’s where I will be signing on Saturday, and, of course, the book may be purchased at all the usual venues: Amazon, Barnes And Noble, Indiebound, BAM Powells

Launch Events:

On August 4th at 7pm at the Har Mar Barnes and Noble in Roseville MN, I will be reading and signing.

On August 6th at 3pm EST (2pm CST) I will be doing a reddit Ask Me Anything

On August 8th at 1pm I will be signing books at Uncle Hugo’s in Minneapolis MN. You can order in advance and have me custom sign things and then they will ship them to you, if you’re so inclined.

Also my short story The Totally Secret Origin of Foxman: Excerpts from an EPIC Autobiography, is up at where you can read it for FREE! 

Friday Cat Blogging: Shamefully Shilling Edition

What dis?


The butler appears to have written a book… Say: out Aug 4th.


At least he knows something about sidekicking. Also, fairly comfortable.


Not very good at skritching ears though, 2 stars from kitty judge.


For more info on the new book and my launch events see the post below.

Foxman Short, and School For Sidekicks

My short story The Totally Secret Origin of Foxman: Excerpts from an EPIC Autobiography, is up at where you can read it for FREE!

This is the first public taste of my School for Sidekicks universe which launches at novel length on August 4th with School for Sidekicks. Here are a couple of reviews for the novel: Kirkus. Publisher’s Weekly.

In related news, I will be doing a number of launch events:

On August 4th at 7pm at the Har Mar Barnes and Noble in Roseville MN, I will be reading and signing.

On August 6th at 3pm EST (2pm CST) I will be doing a reddit Ask Me Anything

On August 8th at 1pm I will be signing books at Uncle Hugo’s in Minneapolis MN. You can order in advance and have me custom sign things and then they will ship them to you, if you’re so inclined.


metal porthole; Shutterstock ID 82146736


Friday Cat Blogging

I are totally a cat!


No, you are most certainly not.


Now am I cat?


You have got to be kidding.




I don’t even know what that is.


Nope. But this is a cat. I give it the smooch of approval!




Okay, that’s it, I’m leaving!


I would leave, but the thumb-monkeys got me and I’m super happy.


Sucks to be you dude.


Y’all are sooooo strange. Ima hang out here in mah magic box.
