Rug riders unite!
I prefer Sofa Surfin’ USA
Rug and roll all the way, baby!
Carpet is better—kitty tower power, my dudes!
Amateurs. The real pros do monkey luge.
Shall we do one more of these to use the last of the uploads?
Sure we can call it the Collage of Arts and Leftovers.
Did somebody say collage?
I never got my degree, how about you guys?
I always feel boxed in by these lefteovers posts
Or is that too much of a blanket statement?
And now I’m really cutting a rug.
I think I may have misplaced my back legs.
You do you, man. What’s everybody else up to?
Trying to start a blog on this notebook thingie. But my thinks aren’t printing right…
First, that’s not a notebook, it’s a clipboard. Second…nevermind.
That’s his middle name. Neveramind. Heh, I slay myself.
Somebody should.
Hold still…there’s a bug on your face
And that’s how I learned to teleport.
Ooh, can you show me how to do that?
First you must learn how to planck…
Ooh, I saw what you did there, and it was quantifiably terrible.