Monday Meows Cat Blogging

Look, we iz a science fiction convention.

I iz Cat of Honor!

I be your liaison.

I your biggest fan.

I champion cosplayer!

Which character iz you?


As Cat of Honor I judges costume contest. You 7.6.

I 8.7 at least. Bad judge, no treat.

I cosplay the CoH! No one can tell us airport.

No ebil twins!

Dead dog party!

Monday Meows Cat Blogging: Remembering Pippin

Those of you who have been following my cat blogging for a while know that in addition to our own floofs, we have a few recurring guest cats. Sadly one of our frequent fuzzy friends has passed from this world. Pippin was a big fluffy powder puff who was much adored by his humans, Matt and Mandy. He was generally much less impressed with me, but that was because we most often interacted when I was playing substitute human while Matt and Mandy were off having adventures, and I was hardly adequate compensation for the lost time with his loved ones. I’ll miss him.

This is the 1st picture from the 1st time I cat sat. He was not impressed.

That was a theme.

Though, he liked Laura well enough when she was available

Here he is with his “brother” and age mate, Birkie.

And his baby “sister” Trilly.

Mostly I saw him like this.

He loved his food.

Even to the point of tolerating indignity for treats.

This is one of the last pictures I took of him after he’d slowed a bit.

Dignity in all things.

And my favorite picture of him.

Goodbye, Pippin, I’m glad I got to know you. (More pics follow)

But I’m out of heart for captions.


Monday Meows Cat Blogging

I am a turkey, eat me!

The hell…

That looks delicious!

No, I’ll show you delicious.

Delicious looks more like this.

Is that tequila? I like tequila.

I shall stalk and kill the…

HOLY SHIT, IT’S ALL LIME! I should not have swallowed.

Monday Meows

Holy shit, is that?…



I can’t look!

Bear up, fellow cats!

Yeah, chill, I was just leaving.

Wait, it’s only a turtle?

Oh, thank the cat ghods.

We can relax at last.

I’ll be under the couch, chillin.

And I shall become a liquid.

You McCullough cats are sooo strange. Very unjellicle

Monday Meows

I finded a rafter!

I like rafters!

Not this again.

What the hell are you all on about?

Wait, I’ve never seen that cat before in my life.

Are my thumb-monkeys seeing other cats?!

It’s not just cats, mate.

I’m so disillusioned!

There there, lil, buddy, it’ll be all right.

You will rise from the ashes of disappointment like melon phoenix!

What in the name of all that is fuzzy is that?!

Melon phoenix, duh!

Okay, I’m out. Yeah, me too.

Monday Meows Cat Blogging

Dude, didn’t we used to be a 4 cat family? Where’s what’s-her-name?

On my iPad, obviously. Some of us are expanding our horizons.

Ooh, that’s COSMIC!

Have you ever really looked at your whiskers? Now, that’s COSMIC.
Wait, do I have something on my face?

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Inorite?! Brothers are SO embarrassing.

I think you’re ALL embarrassing.

I’z not embas…baroom…barso…that WORD! I iz a delight! So there!


Monday Meows Cat Blogging

We shall be like two sheep that pass in the night!

I think that’s supposed to be “ships”.

No, don’t stop them it’s like watching a train wreck.

More of a ship wreck, don’t you think?

Sheep wreck? Think of all that wool! And the static!

It’s all right, buddy, I won’t let the baaaaad sheep hurt you.

Swear to Bast it’s like watching a pair of mittens trying to think.


Monday Meows

Is this psychedelic, or is it just me and the mushrooms?

Dude, step away from the hallucinogens

I don’t think it’s just him…

Guys, it’s definitely not not real…I think.

Halp, I’m trapped in someone else’s hallucination!

It’s just a big fabric thingie. Chill. Have a drink and…what’s that?!

A big fabric thingie, duh!

Oh, hell no!

Why? I think I’m in love…

Monday Meows Cat Blogging

Fiends, morons, contrarymen, I come to salad Caesar not to braise him

I love this speech!

The devil batmen livers are far from home;
The goal is oft scored with their bones;
Let the poor Bard rest in peace, dude.

So lettuce eat with Caesar. The noble butters
Hath told you Caesar was delicious:

I can’t take any more, I’m going over the wall, man.

Fly you fools!

If it were salad, it was the grooviest food,
And grooviously hath Caesar saladed it.
Oh, death, where is thy sweet sting?

Hey, if I mount the rostra, will I be inspired too?

I’m afraid not little buddy, alas. It takes true inspiration to emote.


Monday Meows

I’m busting us out of here. Cue the Mission Impossible Theme.

Duh-duh-duhna! Duh-duh-duhna!

Daring traverse sequence!

Duhna-na! Duhna-na!

Okay, moving on to the next dramatic posed shot.

Uhm, guys, I thought you liked it there…

He’s got a point.

Shut up, I’m heroing!

Actually now that he mentions it…

Yeah, my brother’s got a point.


Look, I’m going to…there’s screen up here too. Little help, guys?

Hush…I’m Batman!