Monday Meows

I hate everyone. Leave me alone.

Works for me, lady.

Y’all do your thing. Ima just chill here.

I am your god king!

Or was that a non-sequiter?

Monday Meows

Just watching you sleep. No reason. None at all. Trust me.

Kinda don’t.

You can watch me sleep anytime, gurl.

Okay, now I’m creeped out.

My plan is working.

Monday Meows

Hey, if we’re tasting you…

You do know she’s going to kill you now, right?

Uh, do you think so?

Been nice knowing you.

Monday Meows Committeea Del Arte Version

The chair would now entertain a motion to approve the minutes.

So moved.


Point of order. Dogs are not voting members of the committee.

Fine. Second.

Point of order. Neither are kittens.

The chair would now entertain a motion to nominate a new chair.


Monday Meows

Hey, has anyone ever told you that your chair smells funny?

You are the weirdest cat I’ve ever met.

I resemble that statement.

Not even close, honey.

I winz!

Monday Meows

Virtual sleep diving contest!

Watch this triple zzz flip!

Reverzzzz sommersault


Belly flop of profound boredom.

Monday Meows

You are the wind beneath my tail!

Uh, wut?

I blep in your general direction, madam.

I thought it was kind of sweet. A whole may the road hit you in the face vibe.

There has got to be a way out of here…

Monday Meows

Read me a story, monkey.

Yeah. I like stories.

You’re riding that monkey all wrong.


Can we get back to the story thing? That sounds wonderful.

Monday Meows

I iz exploratious!

That’s not a word.

Sure it is. I explorating this plant.

I think you mean “exploiting.”

I think you should see my impression of a prancing pony!

The hell, man? The hell?

Monday Meows

It’s soooo beautiful…

I like plants.


Hey man, don’t be a hater. That’s my job.

Funny because it’s true.