Monday Meows

It’s the simple dignity of the moment that I appreciate.

That’s not very dignatious.

Did you just say “dignatious” like it was an actual word?

He did.


I’d ask you to spell indubitably, but I wouldn’t live long enough for you to get there.

I can totally do spelling!

Sure, you just keep telling yourself that.

Monday Meows

Dis my spot!

I had a spot. Now I have otters.

That’s otterly ridiculous!


Just. No.

Monday Meows

I can dance if I want to.

We can leave your friends behind.

Because your friends don’t dance…

That’s not really what I’d call dancing. More like flopping with intent.

Monday Meows

I’m dreaming of a sausage bigger than my head.

Me too!

I ate one of those once.

I remember. I spent the night downwind. Never again.

Monday Meows

I feel…funky…and long…

That’s not right.

…………………………….No, I’m right, Jeeves is left.

Looks like more of a tops and bottoms thing…

Don’t even go there.

I have the worst coworkers…

Monday Meows

Do you know what I love about hoomans?

Their flavor?

No, it’s their big ugly pink jellybean toes!

There is something really really wrong with you.

I love their big pink jellybean towels.


No, I lied. I’m OK with body heat and can-opening thumbs, but the rest is pretty meh.

Monday Meows

Somewhere out there…

No singing!

How about conjuring? As in Mister Mistopholes, the original…

Don’t make me come over there and slap you silly.

Monday Meows

Can somebody make this hat work?

Like dis?

No, like dis. I haz headscarfs!

In Catistan, Cat wears you as hat!

Monday Meows

Is this a mousie I see before me, it’s squeaker toward my paw?

Hey Gurl!

Wait, did he just ‘hey gurl,” Lady MacMurderpaw?


Okay, cool.

Monday Meows

Mmmm, toes…

That’s it, I’m out. Tag my paw.

Absolutely not. I am NOT getting involved in this one.

It’s just Jeeves, he probably thinks they’re little bald mice.