Watch me pull this tongue out of my face!
That trick never works!
Nothing up my sleeves…wait, do I even have sleeves?
Yeah, slight of hand fooling these guys is soooooo hard.
What in Bast’s nine hells is that!
That is sooooooooooo not okay.
Death from above. It’s the only way.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to getting rid of THAT!
Can we just get back to fear?
I’m okay if skip straight to death from above…
Dudes, chill. It’s just a robot cat killing machine…zzzzzzzz
Shall we do one more of these to use the last of the uploads?
Sure we can call it the Collage of Arts and Leftovers.
Did somebody say collage?
I never got my degree, how about you guys?
I always feel boxed in by these lefteovers posts
Or is that too much of a blanket statement?
And now I’m really cutting a rug.