*sings* I’m am defying gravity!
Yeah, well, I’m defying this giant pile of gloves.
Why are you defying gloves?
Somebody has to!
He actually has a point. A dumb point, but a point nonetheless.
How about we just take it easy this week?
My chance to seize power has arrived! BWA-HA-HA!
Yeah, seize away, know yourself out. They won’t even let you order pizza.
To be fair you, wanted pineapple and herring, and that is NOT okay.
You want power, little one, come and try to take it!
This is going to end well…
I’ve got a sinking feeling…
I can’t believe you went there.
Never doubt my dedication.
I think we should bag it, tag it, and call it a night.
Somewhere out there, is a better job.
Beneath clear banana skies.
Do you ever get the feeling that you’ve missed an important explainer?
Every day, every damn day.