Dude, you’re embarrassing me!
Yeah, that’s kind of his deal.
What R em-bar-ass?
That’s what happens when you sit too close to the fire.
I’m soooooo disturbed that he has an apprentice now.
I’ve got a sinking feeling…
I can’t believe you went there.
Never doubt my dedication.
I think we should bag it, tag it, and call it a night.
Somewhere out there, is a better job.
Beneath clear banana skies.
Do you ever get the feeling that you’ve missed an important explainer?
Every day, every damn day.
It’s the simple dignity of the moment that I appreciate.
That’s not very dignatious.
Did you just say “dignatious” like it was an actual word?
He did.
I’d ask you to spell indubitably, but I wouldn’t live long enough for you to get there.
I can totally do spelling!
Sure, you just keep telling yourself that.