Is day for lurkings!
Got it. Resting shark face!
That is NOT what she said.
Iza lurkin with stylings!
Bjorn and Pixel* say hi! Just not to each other.
I am Pixel…or Bjorn. It’s hard to say.
I am Bjorn…or Pixel. It’s hard to say.
Minecraft pig also say hi!
And a few more Minecraft Hellos.
(Bjorn and Pixel’s male human was CTO there for a bit.)
Also, dawg say hi. Different city, same Sweden.
*Visited various friends and family in Scandahoovia this summer.
Since the regulars decided to blow off work last week, I’m running an all-guests episode.
Leezard is in!
That’ll show ’em. Wooverines!
Also cute lil turtles.
Disturbing Fashion Dog reporting for duty!
Oooh, excellent, I was just on my way to a march for inanimate rights!
Refraction makes for misdirected snackies.
Ducking right!
Always close with lemurs. And, team nap in 3, 2, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Grawr! …said the dapper yet elegant leezard king.
Oooooh, that looks interesting.
The fuck? I thought I was the headline guest for this ep?!
Dammit, it’s that little monster cat again!
Talk to the toes, lil monster.
I am feeling anxiety about all the guest stars. Am I getting written out?
No, never*.
………..Perish the thought.
*Dibs on his dressing room.