Monday Meows

Of course I’m comfortable. Don’t I look comfortable?


Yeah, I’m comfortable too, you can tell by how floofy my tails is.

Now, that’s funny!

How did I get saddled with three teenagers? Better nap it off.

Monday Meows

Cheese it, it’s the heat!

Did you say “cheese”?

Mmm, cheese…

Consider it cheesed, sir.

Monday Meows

Mom, she’s touching me!



Not really?


Give it a rest, dude.



Monday Meows

Pardon me, have you heard the good word about dog?


I’m listening.

I’m not. Not listening, that is. NOT listening.

Monday Meows

Do you ever get the feeling that we’re not alone in the universe?

Well, there are the thumb-monkeys, created to bring us treats.

Not enough treats.

Never enough.

Monday Meows

Am having hard time choosing; left or right?

Why not both?


From here in the blind we are observing the rare cattus goofus maximus.

Both was a bad idea.

I can’t believe he actually did it.

Monday Meows

Dullest rave ever!

Here, let me bust a move!

Bust a move? Srsly? What is this, 1989?

Speaking of 1989: U Can’t Touch This!

Monday Meows

They’re here!

Great, ask them to fetch me a sammich.

I don’t think they’re that kind of they…

Then, what good are they?

“Good” is not on their agenda!

Screw that, then. Wake me when they’re gone.

Monday Meows

I got legs, and I know how to use them…

You mean for walking, right?

Somehow, I don’t think that’s where he was going with that.

I got legs too. Now, if I can just get them untied…

That’s sooooo not okay.


Monday Meows

So, I sez to the guy, I sez…

She’s talking to the gargoyle again, isn’t she?


I iz still cat loaf!

Do you see what I have to put up with?

Maybe she’s talking to the little lizard…

…………………………………Huh, well that’s fine then.