Monday Meows

Pretend I’m biting you, I have a plan!

Seriously? OWW!

But it’s a heist! We’re going for the kitten food! You play lookout.

I sense a disturbance in the crunchies!

Nobody ever invites me to the heist.

I will. You scratch my chin and I scratch my chin too…right?

Everybody gets fed except for me and my monke…APE, I MEANT APE!

Monday Meows

Thumb-Monkey will you ask the other cats to play with me.

Can you do that for me? There will be treats.

…………………………………………………..Ew, kitten cooties!

Do you think monkey was serious about treats?

…………………………Yep. Also about not playing as with a ball.

Today you learn how to play my favorite board game.

And I teach you Tic, Tac, Whack the Monkey.

I will teach you competition napping.

………You cats are the best!

Monday Meows

Nothing could be more elegant than moi!

I beg to diff…the hell is that?

Dignity personified. That’s what. Bask in my glory.

Can I bask in your meats? WANT!

Maybe if I bury my head, it won’t see me…

Ostriches, not Turkeys. And it’s them hiding, not you hiding from them.

That also looks delicious, and maybe a bit more my size. Want?

Monday Meows

Of course I’m comfortable, why do you ask?

You do know you’ve got a clamp on your butt, right?

The clamp and I are friends. You wanna make something of that?

Forget I said anything.

The McCullough cats are really weird.

Wait, I thought the very special guest episode was over.

Thumb-monkey probably forgot to get that one in and is too lazy to fix it. Happens all the time.


Monday Meows

Hold still…there’s a bug on your face

And that’s how I learned to teleport.

Ooh, can you show me how to do that?


First you must learn how to planck…

Ooh, I saw what you did there, and it was quantifiably terrible.

Monday Meows

It’s my turn to ride the magic submarine, but for me it is a plane.

That’s my gig, and you’re doing it WRONG!

Holy shit, it works, I’m flying and…Squirrel!

Not this shit again. What is with cats and byplanes?

Come come, good sir, you’re making a mockery of this very serious feature.

There are days when I wonder why I ever took this job. Then I find a warm lap.

Monday Meows

Is it me, or is cat nip AWESOME?

It is pretty awesome.

Oh, not a good sign does anybody else see the giant lizard?

Actually, we’re teeny.

That is soooooooo not okay, pffft pffft hiss.

Chill ginger, we’re all good.

Tell the teeny lizards to make the world stop spinning before I fall off, kay?

It won’t help anything, we’re just a figment of Jeeves’ imagination.

Okay, I can work with that. Wake me when he stops figmenting.

Monday Meows

Is this a plate which I see before me, its concavity towards my nose?

Roll over Shakespeare, you gotta hear it again today.

Come, let me clutch thee. I shift thee not, and yet I shift thee still.

Roll over Shakespeare, and tell Marlowe you lose.

Or art thou but a plate in the mind, a false creation of fevered brain?
Roll over Shakespeare, he mockin’ you two by two.
I sense you all do not appreciate my efforts to raise our cultural tone.

Is that what you’re doing? It sounded more like maiming the Bard.

Hmph. Thy very stonewares prate of my whereabouts…is that a bug?

Here we go…

It is a bug! Also, I’m stuck.

I can’t believe he’s one of my role models. I am going to grow up so weird.

Monday Meows

I going for magical adventure in my submarine!

Cool plan, little dude, welcome to turtle land!

Did you see a turtle go by the little mesh tube “submarine”?!

Yep. Seeing, having trouble believing.

Turtle power is magic, my little dudes.

Actually, I’m finding the whole magic submarine thing very…soothing.

Chill out, magic up, turtle out, my fuzzy dudes!

Monday Meows

Hellooo there!

Guest cats rock!

Actually, I’m too old for this paparazzi shit.

Right there with you, dude.

But we are devastatingly cute and need celebrating.

He has a point there.

I’m ready for my closeup Mr. DeMille.

Guest cats mostly provided by our good friends Stewart and Jim. The rest were provided by chance.