Monday Meows

Please to be ignoring my siblings and give all meats to me.

Hey now!


I too like meat, why was I not invited?

Four brothers, three brains cells. That’s why my expression is always this.

Monday Meows

I’z super high!

You’re what now?

Cut him some slack, his brain cell is out visiting the fruit flies.

I’z high!

I can’t believe this is the family that adopted me…

Monday Meows

Confession time, guys. I think I might have a drinking problem.

Really? No one could have guessed that. I’m surrounded by idiots.

There’s one above you.

And one below you.

We are legion. Also, why are you all upside down?

Monday Meows

Oh, hell, is it Monday again? I’ve got nothing.


I vote we bag it for the week.

I have a tail!

Monday Meows

Is it boxing day again, already?

Every day are boxing day!

It is a truth universally acknowledge that a good box is in need of a cat.

All in favor of the motion signify by saying meeerup.

Monday Meows

Hello fellow cats, I would like you to meet my fiance, Concretia!

You what now?

Do you think I should tell him?

Naw, it won’t help.

Monday Meows

Rocket launching Jeeves in 3.2.1.chomp…

This should be interesting.

I doubt it.


When shall we three meet again? Or…wait, this is Macbeth, right?


Monday Meows

I meant to do that.

Of course you did.

Yeah, every cat dreams of getting covered with water.

They do? Huh. Guess I need to revise me thinkages.

Monday Meows

Dis mah tunnel, do note trezpaz.

Jus chillin.

I see nothings, I hear nothings.

Y’all are weird. You know that right?

Monday Meows

Power tools and alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?

I’ll be in my bunker.

Do I need to be awake? And, maybe, running away?

Naw, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine.