Monday Meows

Der are treats in here, but it’s too much work.

Dis newspaper is a treat! Super delicious!

I too like treats…

Give me a treat and no one gets hurt. Yes, the knives _are_ a threat.

Monday Meows

Don’t be alarmed by me staring at the thing over your head.

I’m a little alarmed. I hide here.

I’m a LOT alarmed.

There’s something over my head?

Monday Meows

I dreamed I didn’t have a body…

I dreamed I could make this stupid tube thing work.

Should I tell him?

It would be kind.


Defeated by the tube. I feel so alone.


Monday Meows

Oh, water, how you do vex me! How do I kill this stuff?

Dude, chill.

Will someone sanction my forbidden love for this bag of cough drops?

What is it with you boys?

Okay, fine, I failed at water murder.

Now, I’m wondering is someone can help me start this baby up.



Monday Meows—All the Feels

I feel safe.

I too feel safe.

I like feeling safes too!

I feel murdery.

I feel pretty! Oh, so pretty and witty…

I feel…moist

I feel a traffic jam coming on.


Monday Meows

I’m bored.

Party! Party! Party!

Conga Line! Cat Style! Butt Sniffing! WOOO!

Who needs monkeys! We can play with the cat toy ourselves!

Actually, this is less awesome than I imagined…

Man, you taste so great…

Oh, man, I can’t believe I drank the whole bottle…

I told you, but did you listen?

Wait, there are pictures?!



Monday Meows

Dude, I’m picturesque as fuck, take a picture quick!

You do know he’s backlit, right?

It’s a theme.

I am not backlit. I am just irritable.

Hey quick, backlit group shot! Say “mousies”!

Monday Meows

Monkey, pick me up.

That looks like a lot of work.


Monkey, now!

Wow, demanding much?


Just let it go.

I hate you all so much.

Monday Meows

I think I can walk on dis!

Mistakes were made.

You don’t say.

Dis supper coomfy!

I don’t even know where to start.

Don’t judge. Never judge. Sometimes a Stitch in time, and all that.

What are judge? Do it taste like toes? I like monkeys.